Sunday, April 18, 2010

1 Nephi Chapter 6

I can't help but to notice the call to action with genealogy. While Nephi didn't waste space with his genealogy, he made sure to let us know the importance. He talked about knowing that he was a descendent of Joseph and that Lehi had kept the genealogy on his plates. Lehi risked his sons, and Nephi risked his life to preserve, not only the scriptures, but their genealogy as well, as if genealogy and scriptures are somehow related :) I certainly have some work to do. I love genealogy work, and when I get started I get obsessed for a short period of time. Eventually I have to cool down because it absorbs me. For me it's like being a detective with a time machine. I have come to know my ancestors through the traces they left behind. I only wish they left more so I could know them more.
Through the guidance of the Spirit, I have solved some great family mysteries. After much prayer and searching I have discovered that my great grandfather had married 2 Minnie Wilkersons in his lifetime (my great grandma was the second). I discovered this through census records that have been made available to the entire world through the internet. Imagine my confusion when I found him married to Minnie Wilkerson before my great grandma was even alive!!! What a mess!
I have had so much fun finding my ancestors in history, and look forward to their future as I take the opportunity to perform temple ordinances in the House of the Lord! What an amazing blessing that is. I will get to know them again and for that I am grateful and hopeful.

Also, may I point out that, in this chapter, Nephi tells us the reason that he did everything he did. He says it so simply, "For the fulness of mine intent is that I may persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and be saved."

I believe that our personal intentions in this life should line up with those of Nephi. That brave, faithful, and enduring prophet of old-who saw the destruction of his people and still had faith in the Lord. Let us all persuade men to come unto God and be saved.