Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1 Nephi Chapter 7 - We've Gotta Do What?

"What? We have to go back?"
This chapter is quite an interesting one. It's one of those chapters where I just wish I had a little more information. For example, when the boys get the charge to go back again to Jerusalem, I expect Laman and Lemuel to throw hissy fits, but there's no sign of it. Now did it happen? I don't know, but since it's not there, I'm going to go on the assumption that their whining was not excessive. Yet, only a few verses later they're tying Nephi up and hoping that he gets eaten by wild animals.  What in the world is going on? Are Laman and Lemuel completely bipolar?
On another note, how cool is it that they were able to recruit a family larger than their own to join them in there "visionary-led" journey to the promised land. Think for a minute about the conversation that must have transpired between Lehi's sons and Ishmael's family. Can you think of any man-made words that would convince you to go? The Spirit had to have been manifesting powerfully during that conversation, but once again we see that powerful manifestations only carry so much weight. Almost half of the family helped tie Nephi up! What? And because he verbally chastened them?
I know a little about the struggle Nephi was dealing with. I love all three of my brothers very much and they mean the world to me, but when I think about trying to get them to turn unto the Lord and to trust in His mighty arm, I can never find the words. I also know that it is quite a bit more difficult to address older siblings than younger. Anyone who is a middle child knows that. You just don't tell your older siblings what to do. It's not a comfortable place to be. I don't believe Nephi was puffed up in his station. He said it best with
"how is it that ye are so hard in your hearts, and so blind in your minds, that ye have need that I, your younger brother, should speak unto you, yea, and set an cexample for you?"
As younger siblings we want nothing more than to have our older siblings as examples. Life and life's challenges are easier when you siblings pioneer challenges for you. Unfortunately, I've been left on my own during many of my challenges without a strong example of what to do. I don't want, in any way, to knock my brothers. They make their own choices and they certainly don't have to live by my standards or for me, but I simply want to point out that I can really sympathize with Nephi on this matter. I would love for my brothers to show me how to be a worthy priesthood holder rather than trying to set the example.
The last thing I want to reflect on is the experience of Nephi's bands being loosed. I never really before thought about the process.
He prayed that he would have the strength to burst the bands with which he was bound, but did the Lord answer him in the way that he asked? Not even close. The bands were simply loosed from his hands and feet. There was no bursting. How often do we want the Lord to deliver us from our woes with some great and mighty show of force and He answers so quietly? The Lord's miracles are often subtle and so perfectly executed that we often fail to see the miraculous nature. I think back on my life and can see so many times when the Lord blessed me with great blessings through simple means. That IS the still, small voice.
And how about Nephi's "frank" and unconditional forgiveness? What a brother!