Tuesday, April 13, 2010

1 Nephi Chapter 2

I know, to some extent, what Lehi was feeling at the time. He was serving the Lord and doing everything he was supposed to, and people were angry with him. While I never had anyone try to take my life because I was sharing my beliefs with them, I have had several relationships severed by my choice to join the church.
My first real experience in pondering the greater mysteries of religion came when I was living with my grandma and grandpa in Whitefish, MT. I left Las Vegas to live with them for six months while my neighbor awaited trial for murder. During that time, I went to church every Sunday and attended several Christian Youth Retreats. I began to feel devoted in every thought and deed. It was something special that I shared with my grandma.
Well, after I decided to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I called her to tell her about the amazing things that had been shared with me. I called to earnestly tell her about the Good News that I had been blessed with. The conversation went a little something like this...

Grandma: Hello!
Me: Hey Grandma, it's Adam

Grandma: Oh! How are you dear?
Me: Great!

Grandma: What's going on?
Me: I wanted to call and tell you that I got baptized.

Grandma: Oh, that's wonderful!
Me: Yeah! I'm really happy!

Grandma: Into what church?
Me: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Grandma: Oh $#!+

This was followed by a good and awkward 30 seconds of silence. Now, I know 30 seconds doesn't seem like a long time, but imagine the situation for a minute.
After the silence she spent the better half of 10 minutes telling me why I was going to Hell.
I love my grandma, but believe me when I say, that no matter how much I wish it was, my relationship is not the same as it was when I was attending The Four Square Church.
In the course of my Church life, friends have also slowly faded into the background. Some couldn't stand to be around me, and others were hard to be around because our differences in lifestyles separated us. And while I never was asked to take my family and dwell in a tent, I was, essentially, asked to keep my distance from the world of which I was a part. I left behind many precious things.
After getting baptized, my taste for music changed quite a bit, but since I had nearly 200 cds that I had collected over several years of listening, I had a hard time getting rid of them. Many of them were filled with foul lyrics and immoral topics. Many of them were uplifting and good as well. I mostly listened to the uplifting ones, but still could not see a good way of getting rid of them. To give them to my brothers would just spread the corruption. If they weren't good enough for me, they weren't good enough for my family, right? Well, as I sat and sat on how to best handle my music situation, somebody stole my entire book of cds. ALL 200 of them! The Lord let me know that, even if I didn't know how, if my desire was to do right, He would help me, although there might be a slight cost to me. Oh, my precious things... I later discovered that my material possessions are not, in any sense, my precious things.
As Lehi built an altar, so did I devote my life to the Lord.
Despite my vain attempts to convert my brothers, and despite their vain attempts to get me to stop talking about religion, I was committed to having a heart to heart talk with each of them.
They were a stiffnecked bunch, and they certainly murmured against me, but the experience I had with my brother Shawn in particular was one of the most powerful manifestations of the Spirit to date.
I showed up to his house with my scriptures in hand. He opened the door and laughed at me. He said, "Look Bro, I think it's great what you're doing, but coming to talk with me is a waste of time. I will never be a Mormon".
I asked if I could talk with him anyway, so we talked.
I don't remember exactly what we talked about. I do remember talking to him about Steve Young who was one of his favorite football players, and also a descendent of Brigham Young. When that connection was made, I remember us both standing up, and I remember uttering words that I hadn't thought of on my own. It was as though words were being spoken through me. I remember the feeling all throughout my body and wondered exactly what was happening to me, but it wasn't until Shawn looked me in the eye and said, "Hey, do you feel that too?" that I fully started to understand what was happening. We were caught up in the Spirit together and my brother, almost instantly said, "I want to get baptized!". My parents came over to Shawn's house while this was all going on, and Shawn was trying to convert THEM to the Church. It was power that I had not experienced, and I was, unfortunately, still an infant in the Gospel. My brother, over the course of the next few weeks, was convinced that the Church wasn't right for him. The Great Deceiver had tangled him up in the webs again, and I didn't know how to get him back. I did learn, however, not to plan a secret raid with the missionaries and expect him to be happy about it. That, I learned the hard way.
Since then I have spent many of my moments of solitude, praying for my brethren and parents. I think about the joy that each of them could have if only they would turn their lives over to the Lord. I know that the biggest struggle for them is leaving behind their precious things. They cannot bare to think about the big "changes" that will follow the mighty change of heart. But I pour out my soul in an effort to bring them unto the knowledge of their Redeemer. I pray to know what it is that they need. What is that thing that will finally draw them unto the Lord? My search continues.


West Family said...

Heard this in RS today- made me think of you

Mandy Caldwell Bell April 19 at 2:06am

“When a man has the manifestation from the Holy Ghost, it leaves an indelible impression on his soul, one that is not easily erased. It is Spirit speaking to spirit, and it comes with convincing force. A manifestation of an angel, or even of the Son of God himself, would impress the eye and mind, and eventually become dimmed, but the impressions of the Holy Ghost sink deeper into the soul and are more difficult to erase” (Answers to Gospel Questions, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., 5 vols. [1957–66], 2:151).

Even though the ideal solution of your brother getting baptized may not have occurred as you would have liked... I believe you played a greater role than you may ever realize. I, also, think eventually he will recant the experience and turn to that. I know I have not felt anything stronger than "spirit speaking to spirit." :) Way to be an instrument in the Lord's hands!!!